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Garden Get Togethers

Would you host a Garden Get Together for specialist end-of-life care in our community?

Will you host a Garden Get-Together to celebrate 40 years of Budleigh Salterton & District Hospiscare?

What’s a Garden Get-Together, you ask? Imagine a charity coffee morning, but in your own lovely garden.

Anyone and any kind of garden can get involved: From courtyard gardens to sea gardens, vegetable allotments to terraces, and even houseplant collections… any reason to invite your friends and family around to admire your green fingers and support BS&DH.

You’re in control of your own private garden event: This isn’t like our big Open Gardens event where you invite the whole town (and then some!) in. You’re in full control of your Garden Get-Together. We are here to support you as you decide on the details: the date and time of your event, who to invite, rain plans, refreshments, and fundraising activities. Our team will provide you with a hosting and fundraising pack and we’re here for other support when you need it.

Any little helps! Whether you raise 40p or £40 or even more… we’ll be so grateful for your support.

To register your interest, contact us by email or call us at the office at 01395 445876.

Thank you to our Garden Get-Together sponsors Urban Earth.